Ok so broadly speaking I guess you're asking about "routing" tools, which usually also come with some kind of tracking attached (Segment.io, RudderStack and SnowPlow would be other examples; I had to read up on consensus first but it seems to fall into the same category)...
The short answer is: Yes! I think these tools will find a place in everyones toolchain, but not to replace EL (T), and not right over night.
I really like that more tools are emerging in this space, but they are all facing one fundamental problem: The "data connecting" part, the "getting data" and "shoveling data" to some place is not at all well suited for a enterprise closed source project, for a simple reason: data sources & targets are (in my experience) snowflakes. No company mix matches another, so if you look for a good router, you will very likely only find one, that covers 90% of your sources and you'll end up developing something on top of it.
So I'm eager to see how this plays out, but it means there are big problems to tackle and a lot of turmoil to come.